


7月30日 4限 pm3:10-4:40 スピントロニクスセミナー 

場所 基礎工学研究科A403
Speaker: Prof. Sanghoon Kim
Affiliation: Department of Physics, University of Ulsan, Ulsan, 44610, Korea
Title: “Limitation of the spintronic synaptic devices and suggestions"
Abstract: The spintronic device has been regarded as a potential candidate for neuromorphic computing due to its non-volatility, nano-second switching speed, long retention, and scalability. In spintronic devices, the formation of domain wall (DW) nucleation and its subsequent propagation represent fundamental mechanisms for magnetization switching. One benefit of domain wall (DW) driven switching is its capability to achieve multi-level switching by manipulating the DW position within a nanostructure. However, there are still challenges in accurately controlling the DW position on the realization of synaptic applications. Also, the small on-off ratio ~2 is an inevitable obstacle to realize the spintronic synaptic device.
In this presentation, we discuss about synaptic characteristics with L10-FePt based granular films. Due to its composition of nanometer-sized grains embedded in a highly resistive non-magnetic medium, a granular film offers a unique structure guaranteeing high retention. Also, we suggest several ways to increase switching efficiency such as the Rashba ferromagnet, which generates large charge-to-spin conversion, and vdW magnet with large anisotropic resistivity.