
4拠点大学では、日本学術会議「マスタープラン2014」重点大型計画および文部科学省「学術研究の大型プロジェクト?ロードマップ2014」に採択された計画を進めるために、かねてより概算要求を行っておりましたが、幸いにこれが認められ、平成28年度から「スピントロニクス学術研究基盤と連携ネットワーク(Spintronics Research Network of Japan, Spin-RNJ)」拠点の整備が開始され、東京大学、東北大学、大阪大学、慶應大学の4拠点大学に「スピントロニクス学術連携研究教育センター(Center for Spintronics Research Network, CSRN)」が正式に発足することになりました。

The spintronics research community in Japan submitted a proposal “Spintronics Research Infrastructure and Network" to the “Master Plan 2014, High-priority Large-scale Research Plans" of the Science Council of Japan (SCJ), and it was accepted in March 2014. In total, 224 proposals were submitted to the SCJ, and 27 were accepted. The 27 proposals were examined by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) of the Japanese Government, and 10 of them, including our proposal on spintronics, were accepted to the “Large-scale Scientific Research Projects – Roadmap 2014" in August 2014. This illustrates that researchers and laboratories in Japan have made remarkable contributions to the development of spintronics, and that spintronics is vitally important for the progress of science, engineering, and related industries. During this project, we established a Center for Spintronics Research Network (CSRN) in each of four base universities: The University of Tokyo, Tohoku University, Osaka University, and Keio University. These have allowed us to form a nationwide network connecting various research institutions in Japan. Through this network, we aim to promote collaborations among research groups and institutions, strengthen competitive power in research and industry for the development of technological innovations, and cultivate the next generation of young researchers and engineers. In April 2016, the Spintronics Research Network of Japan (Spin-RNJ) was officially launched, and the CSRN was established in these four base universities.

The four base universities have the following general responsibilities: The University of Tokyo focuses on spintronics materials and devices; Tohoku University focuses on spintronics devices and integration; Osaka University focuses on design of spintronics materials and devices; and Keio University focuses on quantum spintronics.

“Spintronics Research Network of Japan (Spin-RNJ) and Centers for Spintronics Research Network (CSRN) Launched"

 大阪大学では、世界トップレベルにある日本のスピントロニクス研究の国際競争力のさらなる向上、新産業創成と現産業の強化及び次世代人材の育成を通じて、地球規模の全人類的課題の解決と、独創性にあふれる次世代研究者を育成することを目的とし、理学研究科、工学研究科、産業科学研究所などの教員が兼任教員として参画し、全学的な協力支援体制のもとに、本研究科附属「スピントロニクス学術連携研究教育センター」を設置しました。本センターは、本学のスピントロニクス研究の拠点となり、ミッションの異なる拠点大学(東京大学[マテリアル創製]、東北大学[デバイス創製]、慶應義塾大学[量子スピントロニクス創製])とネットワークにより連携し、大阪大学[マテリアル・デバイスデザイン]のミッションであるデザイン主導によるスピントロニクス共同研究を推進することにより、All Japan体制でのネットワーク型の革新的省エネルギーデバイス開発の研究教育を行います。

Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University established Center for Spintronics Research Network (CSRN) in 2016 toward educating next generation researchers and providing solutions for worldwide global problems.
As a basis of the West Japan, CSRN-Osaka promotes spintronics investigation and the education of the material and device design together with the other three bases which have different missions (spintronics materials and devices by The University of Tokyo, spintronics devices and integration by Tohoku University, and quantum spintronics by Keio University).



【1】スピントロニクス人材育成研究教育部門(材料設計施設)Division of Spintronics Workforce Research Education (Material Design and Construction)
(1)スピントロニクスデザイン手法開発分野 Spintronics Design Method Pioneering Field
(2)多階層連結デザイン手法開発分野 Multi-hierarchy Simulation Method Development Field
(3)モルトロニクスデザイン手法開発分野 Moltronics Design Method Development Field
(4)強相関スピントロニクスデザイン手法開発分野 Strongly Correlated Spintronics Design Method Pioneering Field

【2】スピントロニクス開発研究教育部門(素子設計施設)Division of Spintronics Development Research Education (Elementary Design Execution)
(1)計算機ナノマテリアルデバイスデザイン分野 Computer Nanomaterials Design Development Field
(2)半導体ナノスピントロニクスデザイン分野 Semiconductor Nanospintronics Design Field
(3)酸化物スピントロニクスデザイン分野 Oxide Spintronics Design Field
(4)モルトロニクスデザイン分野 Moltronics Design Field
(5)メタルスピントロニクスデザイン分野 Metal-Spintronics Design Field
(6)クォントロニクスデザイン分野 Quantronics Design Field
CSRN consists of the following two divisions and each consists of 10 fields totally.